Experience You Can Trust

Why Choose Us?

We focus on Criminal legal defense.

We guarantee effective and aggressive representation. Our reputation and history of successful litigation speaks for itself. Francisco has amassed 30 plus years of experience in Miami-Dade Criminal justice systems as a correctional officer and most of the last decade as a criminal defense attorney.

  Call 24/7  (786) 766-1816

El Abogado ​Habla Español 

Law Office

Achieving the best results in criminal defense requires a thorough understanding of your case, expert legal knowledge, detailed preparation and briefing, and skilled representation in court..

A criminal arrest carries a stigma that could last a lifetime. The simple accusation of criminal activity could have a devastating effect on your job, your reputation and your family, notwithstanding the fines, immigration consequences and permanent criminal record a conviction would bring.

Criminal Arrest Effects